首页>热门攻略>兰州旅游必去十大景点 - 感受黄河风情

兰州旅游必去十大景点 - 感受黄河风情

时间:2024-08-17 09:03来源:编辑

Discover the Top 10 Must-See Attractions in Lanzhou

Lanzhou, a city that the Yellow River runs through, has unique charm and character. There are plenty of must-see attractions in Lanzhou, such as Zhongshan Bridge, which spans the Yellow River and has witnessed history, and the Waterwheel Expo Park, where you can learn about the ancient waterwheel culture. This guide will introduce you to the top 10 attractions, allowing you to fully experience the Yellow River style and historical heritage of Lanzhou.

Attraction 1 Attraction 2 Attraction 3 Attraction 4 Attraction 5 Attraction 6 Attraction 7