

时间:2024-08-28 15:00来源:编辑

A picture of Jianning Yellow Peach

Introduction to Jianning Yellow Peach

Speaking of Fujian yellow peach, the most famous one is undoubtedly the Jianning Yellow Peach. Jianning Xikou Town is located at the head of the Minjiang River. The climate is humid and the scenery is beautiful. Compared with other varieties, Jianning yellow peach has a finer and tenderer taste. The yellow peaches are freshly picked and delivered without using any ripening agents. They grow naturally and are rich in carbohydrates and trace elements, which have multiple effects such as nourishing yin and tonifying deficiency, generating fluid and quenching thirst, promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, and regulating menstruation and relieving constipation.

Jianning has 20,000 mu of yellow peach plantation. Yellow peach, also known as yellow-fleshed peach, gets its name from its color and is rich in various vitamins, which have the function of improving immunity and are known as the "king of fruits". The quality of Jianning yellow peach is irreplaceable and imitable. Due to the large temperature difference between day and night in Jianning, the produced fruit has high sweetness and good quality.

Jianning County has undulating hills, dense vegetation, surrounded by high mountains, and the mountainous and hilly areas account for 87.4% of the total area, while plains and basins account for only 12.6%. The terrain is high in the middle and low around, showing obvious layered landform characteristics. The highest peak in the county is Baishiding with an altitude of 1858 meters, and the lowest point is Daiyuanqi Village with an altitude of 290 meters, with a relative height difference of 1568 meters. Jianning County is located in the mid-subtropical zone and belongs to the oceanic monsoon climate zone with characteristics of continental mountain climate. The winter climate is cold, and the summer temperature difference is large. The annual average temperature is 16.8℃, the annual accumulated temperature is 4900-5069.7℃, the extreme maximum temperature is 39.9℃, and the extreme minimum temperature is -12.8℃. The temperature difference during summer is more than 11℃, which is suitable for yellow peach planting.

What Is The Nutritional Value Of Jianning Yellow Peach?

Yellow peach is very nutritious and contains a variety of antioxidants (such as alpha-carotene, beta-carotene, lutein, lycopene, and vitamin C), dietary fiber (a large amount of pectin in the fruit pulp is the cellulose needed by the human body, which is easily absorbed, etc.), iron, calcium, and various trace elements (the selenium, zinc, etc. contents are significantly higher than other fruits, which is the "king of fruits"). Yellow peach is soft and hard when eaten, has more sweetness and less sourness, has fragrance, medium water content, and a mature sugar content of 14~15 degrees. Regular consumption of yellow peaches can play a role in promoting bowel movements, reducing blood sugar, and blood lipids, anti-free radical, eliminating dark spots, delaying aging, and improving immunity. It can also promote appetite and is a healthy fruit and peach for health.

What Are The Characteristics of Jianning Yellow Peach?

1. Golden color, strong aroma, and excellent non-soluble pulp properties;

2. The fruit surface is smoother, the color is more uniform, and it presents features such as a regular fruit shape, golden color, moderate sweetness, and crispness.

What Is The History Of Jianning Yellow Peach?

In the 1980s, the Jianning County Committee, the County Government, and the Agricultural Department were committed to cultivating characteristic agricultural products and began to introduce yellow peach varieties. At that time, the yellow peach was not well adapted to the soil, had spots on the body, and was prone to cracking. Although the mountainous area had a good environment, pest infestation was severe, and there were few remaining fruits before they ripened. Fruit farmers cut down trees and changed crops one after another.

In 2003, in order to explore the path of rural development, under the promotion of the county committee and government, the Fruit Tree Research Institute of Fujian Academy of Agricultural Sciences and Jianning Green Source Fruit Industry Co., Ltd. cooperated and conducted experiments in the yellow peach planting base to successfully research and solve cultivation technical problems such as cracking and pest control. In this way, the yellow peach which had been silent for many years once again entered the vision of the people of Jianning.

In 2004, the price of yellow peaches was 1.6 yuan per kilogram, and the price increased year by year to 1 yuan per year. Nowadays, high-quality large fruits are stable at 20 yuan per kilogram.

Yellow peach planting usually takes three years to bear fruit. Since 2008, Jianning County has promoted it throughout the county. This year's output is more than 2 million kilograms higher than in previous years, and the price has dropped slightly compared to previous years. Supply and demand imbalance inevitably leads to price reductions. "In the future, we still need to take a high-quality route, determine the output and quantity, and improve the rate of high-quality fruit." With more than 20 years of experience in yellow peach planting, Fu Xing'an, the general manager of Jianning Green Source Fruit Industry Co., Ltd., has his own set of "magic weapons".

One of the magic weapons is to give yellow peaches "new clothes". Starting from mid-to-late April every year, yellow peaches are thinned and bagged. This year, he brought in eight skilled bagging workers from Anhui Province. When the day was bright, the workers entered the orchard and bagged more than 6,000 yellow peaches per person per day until the night fell.

The second magic weapon is to implement shed cultivation. In Green Source Fruit Industry Co., Ltd., most of the yellow peaches have implemented shed cultivation. "After the shed is built, the fruit can perform photosynthesis better." Fu Xing'an said that with fuller photosynthesis, the fruit would be sweeter. In addition, the shed can not only protect the fruit, but also better control the yield, and it is more convenient to pick the fruit.

Another picture of Jianning Yellow Peach
