

时间:2024-08-28 19:52来源:编辑

A photo of Yong'an Honggu mushroom

Introduction to Yong'an Honggu Mushroom

Honggu mushroom is a highly nutritious food. However, up to now, it has been impossible to cultivate it artificially, and it can only grow symbiotically with the natural trees of the Polyporaceae family. As a result, with the reduction of natural forests, the price of wild Honggu mushrooms continues to rise. Yong'an Honggu mushroom has superior quality and is a high-end cuisine for excellent dishes such as soup and noodles, with a rich and sweet taste and a pleasing color.

What is the Nutritional Value of Yong'an Honggu Mushroom?

1. Honggu mushroom contains protein, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins B, D, E, as well as other rare nicotinic acid, microelements such as iron, zinc, selenium, manganese, etc.

2. It contains essential amino acids and other components that have nourishing, kidney-tonifying, lung-nourishing, blood-circulating, brain-boosting, and beautifying effects. Regular consumption can strengthen the body, prolong life, and delay aging.

3. About 25% of Honggu mushroom's protein is soluble in water, while about 50% can be digested and absorbed by the human body, and only about 25% cannot be absorbed by the human body.

4. It also contains polysaccharides that have anti-cancer properties, which are beneficial to blood circulation, reduce cholesterol in the blood, inhibit the transfer of cancer cells, and have certain therapeutic effects on acute spinal optic neuropathy.

5. It can also prevent indigestion and children's rickets, improve normal sugar metabolism and body immunity, and is beneficial for postpartum women to reduce lactation, anemia, cancer, etc. It is a natural food with special diet therapy value.

What are the Product Characteristics of Yong'an Honggu Mushroom?

The real Honggu mushroom has a deep red cap on the top, and the center is dark red with horizontal wrinkles. The gills on the cap are fine and uniform, and light grayish-blue. The mushroom stem is low and round without a hollow center. A red mushroom cap that is fully opened and cracked is going to be old, but the soup tastes good, and the unopened mushrooms are without residue. Half-opened Honggu mushrooms like bicycle bells are high-end Honggu mushrooms, with a refreshing and delicious taste. The unopened Honggu mushroom buds are sweet and tender and delicious. Honggu mushrooms are easy to preserve. After drying in the sun, they can be stored in a well-ventilated and dry room, not only without deterioration but also releasing bursts of fragrance, making people feel refreshed and happy.

What is the History of Yong'an Honggu Mushroom?

In the Minnan area of Fujian Province, women eat Honggu mushrooms to supplement nutrition when giving birth; it is very popular in Guangzhou, Hong Kong, and Southeast Asian countries. According to "Compendium of Materia Medica": "Honggu mushroom tastes refreshing, warm in nature, appetizing, diarrhea-stopping, detoxifying, nourishing, and has the function of prolonging life." Therefore, Honggu mushroom has been consumed by our ancestors as early as the Ming Dynasty. Honggu mushroom has the function of spleen liver blood tonifying, stomach strengthening and kidney strengthening. When the local people have a poor appetite, they often use Honggu mushrooms to adjust their appetite. Honggu mushroom buds boiled in soup can stop diarrhea for children, and eating Honggu mushrooms can nourish the body and improve health. Therefore, Honggu mushrooms are also called "Southern ginseng".

How to Make Yong'an Honggu Mushroom?

Yong'an Honggu Mushroom, Chinese Yam, and Pork Rib Soup


500g of pork ribs (for four people), 500g Chinese yam, 50g of Honggu mushroom, an appropriate amount of ginger, salt, and cooking wine;


1. Firstly, blanch the pork ribs and drain them to remove the blood;

2. Boil 2.5L water in a soup pot (using a casserole here), add the blanched pork ribs, ginger, cooking wine;

3. Cut off the small part of the dirt on the mushroom foot with scissors, rinse it with cold water, and soak it;

4. Bring the soup to a boil, simmer over low heat for 30 minutes, add the Chinese yam and bring to a boil over high heat, then simmer for another 10 minutes;

5. Add the soaked Honggu mushroom and filter the water used to soak the mushroom to remove impurities. Bring it to a boil over high heat, and simmer for 8-10 minutes;

6. Finally, add the appropriate amount of salt to taste.

How to Identify the Authenticity of Yong'an Honggu Mushroom?

Until now, Honggu mushrooms cannot be artificially cultivated, so they are a pure natural food.

Here are five points to identify Honggu mushrooms:

1. Cap (important)

The top center of the Honggu mushroom cap is deep red or dark purple, slightly darker than the rest of the cap. Some parts will have yellow spots.

2. Stem

The stem of Honggu mushroom is solid, and a few may have wormholes in the mushroom foot when releasing spores (i.e., hollowing process).

3. Gills

Pay attention to the gills under Honggu mushroom's cap. The gills are thicker and slightly silver-gray.

4. Soaking

Honggu mushrooms will also fade when soaked, but the color will not be uniform. The color change in the water is slow, and the water is clear.

(Smelling it will have a fragrance, while dyed mushrooms will have a slightly irritating smell.)

5. Taste (important)

The soup made with Honggu mushroom is clear and delicious, but the mushroom itself is not very tasty, slightly woody, and the large mushrooms have a somewhat rough texture.

A photo of Yong'an Honggu mushroom
